The Science
of Inspired Transformation
Learn Body-mind transformation with Danielle Odette
8 weeks of presence and well-being.
Learn to self-regulate your nervous system, rewrite your neural connections and gain access to the consciousness of your whole body.
Join us! Scroll down to register today.
The simplest and most effective way to transform your life
Every year we offer a special real-time course to work personally with a select group of students who want a theoretical-practical training in mindfulness.
And the 2023 course starts on February 26th – Update: 10am Pacific on February 26th is now a zoom call celebration of life for Eric L. Knouse.
For 8 weeks (56 days) we will personally guide you to achieve the same thing that many before you have already achieved, total Body-mind Transformation.
Daily Mindfulness Practice will self-regulate your autonomic nervous system and restore your body back to a healthy balance.
Every Sunday we will meet in a virtual room where we will give the weekly class live and we will open a space for questions and answers.
If for any reason you can’t attend, don’t worry, we record each session and post it to the student library, you can watch it whenever you like.
You receive weekly guided mindfulness practices, which you can also download and keep forever.
We will accompany you personally on a daily basis, and will answer your questions and give you the extra motivation you need to continue your daily practice.
You will receive the knowledge in each of the weekly classes, and you will experience mindfulness with the guided meditations that we will give you.
More than a course, what you will live is a direct experience of transformation.
I’m Danielle Odette
I first connected with Eric and this material in a most synchronistic way while on a solo heart-led adventure through Guatemala years ago, as an advocate for human connection and optimal wellness and wellbeing.
My Bachelors of Science Degree had a focus on Earth Science, where I led students into the field for experiential learning. I studied 200hr+ of Yoga and Pranayama in India to understand the deeper essence of the material. I trained to facilitate breath ceremonies online to create connection during perceived separation. Since 2008, I’ve taught empowerment and mindset training through movement arts to thousands of people around the globe.
As a solo female traveler having been immersed in many cultures, I experienced how connected our hearts are, regardless of our location in the world or our backgrounds. I witnessed the universal truth of our shared ability to come into the I AM presence, without any borders or language.
I’ve helped facilitate training courses for Earth Sciences, Gratitude and Toning Experiments, the Science of Inspired Transformation, Spiritual Signature Programs, and provided heart led leadership across the US, Central America, Europe & Indonesia.
This range of knowledge and experience has provided the embodiment of necessary tools to accompany others in their process of personal growth.
This year, I return as your facilitator in the Annual 8 Week Course for Personal Development with Mindfulness practices. I feel gratitude for this opportunity to be your guide, for this part of the path that we will travel together, sharing experiences and knowledge.
Remember that I’m here to help you discover solutions and upgrade the mindset frequencies!
Simply contact me with your questions at or schedule a complimentary video call.
Hopefully we’ll see each other inside the course! See you soon!
Danielle Odette
In Memorial to
Eric Knouse
If you’ve been to San Marcos, Guatemala, you’re sure to have seen Eric’s genuine smile and energy, welcoming the divine being that you are.
Eric received his angel wings in Feb 2023 and will be with us energetically, as his voice is guiding us through the course with daily audio practices.
From 2008 to 2023 he guided in-person and groups online. In this course he shares the steps he practiced every day to invoke heart-brain synchronization – COHERENCE.
These practices are the personal practices he remembered in 2008, which led him to begin his accidental awakening experience.
When you begin this awakening journey, your instructor is personally available to you 24/7, guiding you along the way toward remembering your own awakening experience.
Eric led this 8 week mindfulness course for over a decade and read thousands of journal entries from people just like you, ready to transform their lives. He lived with confidence that you can have the same breakthroughs that he did.
He was in continuous communication and practice with Danielle from 2018-2023 to transfer the knowledge to her, with intention to have her continue teaching this material after he retired.
His essence is infused into every area of this course. We continue to teach his legacy material and practices and look forward to sharing this with you.
Feel welcome to leave a gratitude story or image on his wall at Eric L. Knouse
#GlobalToningInitiative #MindfulScience #ScienceOfInspiredTransformation
The practice that has
improved millions of lives
A scientifically proven way to change your personal reality
Today, science shows us that mindfulness meditation reduces stress levels, improves sleep, increases self-esteem, balances emotions, promotes a better mood and increases the ability of your immune system to fight against disease.
Before the end of the course you will notice how these areas of your life have improved, but, I want you to know this:
Mindfulness is not a magic pill you swallow and solves all your problems, you must be an active participant in your personal transformation journey.
What mindfulness teaches you is to live a calm life.
If we had to summarize what you will gain from this course, we would say this: “When a challenge appears, you go through it with integrity, advanced awareness, with gratitude and greater emotional balance.”
You live your life in a happier, healthier and more conscious way.
All you need is to practice a few minutes a day.
During the course you will develop a pleasant practice habit that will be your best ally to reduce stress, anxiety, worry, nervousness, anger and inner tension, to live a healthier and fuller life.
All zoom sessions are recorded and the guided mindfulness practices are yours to download and save forever.
Money Back Guarantee
We are so confident in the quality of this course that we offer you an unconditional money-back guarantee: if you complete the course in 8 weeks and communicate with me daily but do not see results, I will refund all your money. Guaranteed.
It’s a way back to you
Your inner center of calm
Your attitude towards life, your way of being, is what really makes the difference in everything you do.
Mindfulness is what you have been looking for, and it is not something you have to “get ” or acquire. It is already within you. It is a deep internal resource that is patiently waiting to be released and used so that you can put it at the service of your growth, healing and wholeness.
The science of mindfulness
Research and proven benefits
A tour of the 8 week course
What you will learn in the 8 sessions and beyond
Each week we meet to learn a different aspect of mindfulness and the science of mind-body transformation.
The live lecture video calls will be recorded and you can download them.
These lectures will provide you with a multitude of high-quality information with the science of mind-body transformation but in our usual clear and easy-to-absorb tone.
And every week we will give you a different mindfulness practice that you must repeat for 7 days.
You will start by doing very basic practices and, step by step, you will incorporate small additional elements that will help you develop your mindfulness skills in a simple and effective way.
I will be available by email. You can send me emails on a daily basis and I will always respond to you as soon as possible, usually in as little as an hour.
Your practice space is very important.
You will start by learning how to prepare your environment to send a clear signal to your mind and body that all is well, here it is safe to relax and practice.
We will practice the correct posture and breathing daily to obtain states of peace and calm that lead to inner balance.
Posture and breathing are two clear safety signals for the nervous system.
And practicing correctly will cause your nervous system to begin to transform, moving hormones – chemical messengers – to begin flowing optimally again.
How you perceive your moment-to-moment experience largely determines if you react or respond to what you create in the next moment.
Developing new skills of perception is the key to the progress you will experience in this second week.
The first step in dealing with stressful and challenging situations in complete calm is to create an interior physiological state of safety and trust.
Experiencing moment-to-moment awareness, an inner balance, and inner security will transform how your body and mind respond to the difficulties and challenges you face daily.
Establishing a heartfelt sense of safety and trust in the process is the foundation for every meditation and mindfulness practice.
After 14 days of practice, in week 3 you will learn how to observe the thoughts, images and sounds that arise in your consciousness.
The simple act of paying full attention to what you think transforms your brain : the “Center of the I ” , the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, weakens its connections, so you stop experiencing all those repetitive thoughts about your life: about the mistakes you made, about what scares you, about what others think …
And not only that, you also strengthen the connections in the lateral prefrontal cortex, or the “Assessment Center” of the brain, which helps you think differently about yourself, problems and difficulties, with greater perspective and clarity.
Week 4
With each slow breathing and focused attention, we learn to observe the state of things as they really are.
Now that you’ve trained your mind-body to feel confident, and you’ve learned to observe thoughts and images without judgment, it’s time to strengthen your observing muscle and move beyond mindfulness.
This is the first ACTIVE practice to work with emotions. You will learn to let go of attachment or emotional charge, that is, identification with your feelings and emotions.
Normally, you tend to reject (or suppress) your uncomfortable emotions and stick to your most pleasant emotions. This, far from being healthy and creates the potential for dependency or frustration.
In this fifth week you will regain your balance and emotional maturity. You will learn to be with your emotions, no matter what they are, without reacting chaotically every time they are presented and instead maintain an inner center of serenity.
You are developing the ability to create your own experience in the present moment.
This is an active exercise that further strengthens the observer’s muscle.
In this practice you will realize duality.
As an observer, you will maintain an uninterrupted state of conscious awareness as we guide you to a state of expanded awareness, that is called “the peace beyond understanding”.
Throughout your life you have created a multitude of mental limits that restrict your true potential and prevent you from experiencing the richness and diversity that your life offers you.
This mental prison oppresses you and limits your ability to experience a personal reality more aligned with your life purpose.
This week you will learn to transcend these repressive states of mind from full consciousness.
Week 8
This is a fundamental exercise of the course. It is the so-called cognitive refocusing.
You will learn to rewrite the emotional meaning of painful memories that stunt your growth.
Recontextualize an old memory, rethink the past, free yourself, present yourself with a new possibility of BEING.
Return to what you really are, beyond your pain and your fear.
Return to your state of optimal well being.
The vortex is to feel energy in motion.
This Bonus Week 9 practice allows you to explore inner possibilities through continuous and uninterrupted awareness.
An experience of personal transformation
After working with thousands of students, we know that establishing a regular practice of mindfulness has transformative power, but finding quality online trainings is not easy.
Our collaborators and advisors will be there for you, they will help you obtain the results that will make a difference.
It is an experience of personal and collective transformation through the direct application of technique and knowledge.
- Weekly live sessions where you will learn the theoretical-practical bases of mindfulness in a fully guided way. Each session is recorded and we send you the video for you to download.
- Experience methods and techniques supported by science.
- Apply mindfulness in all areas of your life, including your personal relationships and your work environment.
- Establish a long-lasting and enjoyable practice habit.
- Receive personalized follow-up on a daily basis.
- At the end of the course you receive a certificate of completion.
The 3 keys to the program
A simple and innovative approach to teaching
1. Online-in-person format
Every week we meet in a virtual conference room. All the students are present.
I share a conference / seminar in which you receive all the information you need, we move to a live question and answer session, and we end with the mindfulness practice of the week.
2. The clearest and most concise mindfulness practices
The practices I have created are the best you will find on the net.
In addition, we start with 10-minute guided practices and we increase the time little by little each week.
Little gradual changes that cumulatively help you create the habit.
3. Receive professional support… daily
For this we will use a journaling format: each day you will have to send a short journal entry of your experience to me, and you will be able to ask your questions.
I will respond to your daily journals in a personalized way and help you stay focused on your practice.
In addition, in the live weekly sessions you will also be able to ask your questions and listen to the questions of other participants.
Daily follow-up
8 weeks of private, daily guidance on demand
On the web you can find many mindfulness courses, but these programs do not solve the main problem that every beginner faces: creating a daily habit of mindfulness practice.
There are many programs that teach you to practice, but do not help you practice.
Daily communication
Every day, after you complete your practice, you send me an email telling me about your experience and ask me any questions you have. I will respond to you in a totally personalized way, helping you bring your focus back to the present moment.
Group question and answer sessions
In addition to private communication with me, you can also ask me questions live in weekly group sessions and you can listen to what other participants are experiencing, sharing is always welcome, your participation benefits the whole group.
We start on February 26th, 2023 Update: 10am Pacific on February 26th is now a zoom call celebration of life for Eric L. Knouse.
We begin at digital basecamp on Sunday February 26th 2023 with our first real time group meeting on Zoom.
Remember that if you miss the live group session, everything is recorded, you will have access to each recording directly after the session ends.
Our time together completes after 56 days, as we reach our summit ascent.
The live sessions will be every Sunday at the time indicated here (if you cannot find your location, use one of these locations as a reference):
Hawaii: 8:00 AM
Seattle, Washington: 10:00 AM
Los Angeles, California: 10:00 AM
Denver, Colorado: 11:00 AM
Sedona, Arizona 11:00 AM
Guatemala: 12:00 NOON
Chicago, Illinois: 12:00 NOON
Detroit, Michigan: 1:00 PM
New York, New York: 1:00 PM
Miami, Florida: 1:00 PM
Argentina, 3:00 PM
Paris, 8:00 PM
India, 11:30 PM
Bali, 2:00 AM (Mon)
Do you still have doubts?
Here are some common questions we get asked frequently
All zoom sessions are recorded and the guided mindfulness practices are yours to download and save forever.
Money Back Guarantee
We are so confident in the quality of this course that we offer you an unconditional money-back guarantee: if you complete the course in 8 weeks and communicate with me daily but do not see results, I will refund all your money. Guaranteed.
Need help?
It will be a pleasure to guide you!